Key features
- Designed for both desktop and server operations: DICOM read/write, image display, network communication.
- Gradual learning curve (simple tasks are quickly implemented, more complex tasks remain possible).
- Simple abstraction layer to implement Media Storage, Storage SCU and SCP, Storage Commitment SCU and SCP, File-Set Reader and Creator, Query/Retrieve SCU and SCP, Basic Worklist Management SCU and SCP, Hanging Protocol Query/Retrieve SCU and SCP.
- Wide range of accepted DICOM images, including many non-standard or buggy images, and images with uncommon pixel formats (float, double, 1-bit, 32-bit).
- Native acceleration for JPEG codecs (JPEG 2000, JPEG baseline, 12-bit JPEG, JPEG-LS) on all major desktop platforms, including 64-bit Windows and MacOS.
- Support for reading, painting and writing DICOM overlays.
- Grayscale Standard Display Function.
- Control for reading and writing operations using Image I/O parameters: region selection, JPEG 2000 layer selection, etc...
- Free for non-commercial use.
- Get in touch directly with DeCaMino authors to request help or features.
The documentation page contains more details on important features. The downloadable archive contains working examples and the javadoc for a full description of the API.