Types of licenses
DeCaMino is available under 3 different licenses: an evaluation license, a non-commercial license, and a commercial license.
- The evaluation license is free of charge and lets you run the software for 30 days for your private use, for evaluation purpose only. You cannot redistribute the software.
- New since the 2.04 release of DeCaMino, the non commercial license is also free of charge. Targeted primarily for education and research, this license cannot be used for a commercial or clinical activity. You can redistribute the software as a part of your own product as long as you don't earn money from this distribution.
- The commercial license allows the installation and running of the software on one machine or for an unlimited number of machines. The price depends on the number of machines and also whether it's a single-user or server license. A single-user license is for a single physical user, be it yourself or one of your customer. Single-user licenses are also suitable during development (one single-user license per developer). A server license is for any number of physical users.
You can read the full text of the licenses and display the license prices by clicking on the menu items.